Hi, my name is Jason.
I am on a mission to create a new approach to how relators serve their clients and how clients see their relators.
My team and I help realtors create stronger relationships, increase client satisfaction, and increase their bottom line through a revenue sharing program on financial services.
We accomplish this by enabling realtors to naturally integrate, fiduciary financial services into their client relationships.
Top 3 benefits are:
- Your clients seeing you as a cohesive part of their life-long financial journey.
- Creating a consistent income stream for you.
- Increasing client touch points and keeping you front of mind without additional work on your part.
You and your clients will have access to:
Fiduciary Financial Advice
All Clear Creek advisors have a fiduciary obligation to put the clients best interest first. We are a fee-based firm meaning we do not generally make commissions on the solutions we provide our clients. Our goal is to do what is best for your clients, make you an integral part of their wealth building team.
Institutional mortgage lenders / Private Banking
We believe a clients mortgage should work as hard as their other investments. Our institutional mortgage lend teams provide a white-glove service, competitive interest rates, and unique real estate lending options for residential and commercial real estate. We also give your clients access to private banking solutions that they might not have access to through a retail mortgage provider.
Full Service Financial Planning
We provide full service financial planning for families and small business owners. We work with individuals to help them reach their retirement goals, manage their investments, build long-term wealth, and optimize their tax strategies. We have a CFP on staff. We also have 30+ other advisors accross the Western United States with specialize certifications and skillsets for your clients most challenging circumstances.
Diverse Professional Network
Diverse Professional Network that help busy families and small business owners reclaim time, stay focused, and quickly get expert opinions and solutions. We have a large list of specialized advisors, lawyers, accountants, estate planners, etc that help our clients make smart decisions.
Revenue Sharing
We believes that a partnership with with Clear Creek will help your bottom line in three ways:
- I believe in building companies and partnerships that last. I do this by ensuring that both sides of a partnership are compensated for the hard work they do. This means that I am excited to sharing in the revenues generated from the financial planning and investment services with the realtors I partner with.
Here is a hypothetical example: you introduce Clear Creek to a client who begins to work with us and allows us to manage $1,000,000 of their investable assets. We might charge that client 1% (this varies) a year on the assets we manage. 1% of $1,000,000 is $10,000. We would then be able to share a portion of that $10,000 with you! - By the vary nature of our services, we are in continual contact with our clients. If the client is considering a life transition requiring a real estate transaction, we will work to schedule a meeting between you and the client. We hope this would help you to be their realtor for life!
- We believe there is the potential for more client-driven referrals due to high satisfaction and a more integrated relationship. If your clients see you as a critical part of their financial journey and are excited about it, they will tell their friends. If they refer clients to us, we will direct those clients to you for real estate transactions.
Is Sharing Revenue Legal?
We have been hard at work with our compliance department, legal team, and the State of California to ensure that sharing the revenue is completely legal and does not require you or your team having to acquire additional licenses.
In the State of CA, it is legal to share in this revenue with you as long as we abide by a few compliance requirements which we will discuss on our first introduction call.
I want to restate that, NO licensing is required.
At this stage, we are only offering to share revenues with California based realtors and their teams.
During our first introduction call, we will review the compliance requirements in much greater detail.
What does the Customer Journey Look Like?
Because Clear Creek is an RIA and not a broker dealer, we can offer a high amount of flexibility and customization to the client journey you want your clients to experience.
We can start the process with co-created content for emails, newsletters, social media posts, and even blog posts. I can easily meet potential clients at your offices, a coffee shop, the real estate listing, a zoom meeting or over the phone.
There are compliance laws that we must comply with. Even with this compliance, there is a large degree of customization and creative freedom that comes with partnering with Clear Creek Financial Management.
The most important outcome for me in this partnership is that your clients are cared for well and that they see you as a cohesive part of their life-long financial journey.
Next Steps:
The next step would be to schedule an exploratory call.
Our on-boarding process will include a few short meetings to ensure that our firms are a good fit.
We are very focused on creating services that fit with your brand and your clients. This means planning what services will benefit your clients the most and how we can maximize the value your clients receive form this partnership.
At the end of the onboarding process, we will have a clear partnership mapped out, including what the customer journey will look like, the value proposition for your specific clients, and a signed financial services revenue sharing agreement.